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Huri Translations
Tel. +689 89 205 483
PO BOX 365 Maharepa
98728 Mo'orea
French Polynesia
N°TAHITI 876649


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File formats supported
Our Integrated Translation Workflow & Translation Memory System supports the following file formats:
.123, .cvs, .dbf, .doc, .docx, .htm, .html, .idml (InDesign), .odf, .odt, .potm, .potx, .pps, .ppt, .pptm, .pptx, .rtf, .sda, .sdc, .sdd, .sdp, .slk, .ttx, .txt, .uof, .uop, .utf8, .vor, .wk1, .wks, .xht, .xhtml, .xliff, sdlxliff, .xls, .xlsx, .xml, .xlf

Integrated Translation Workflow & Translation Memory System

Huri Translations handle large DTP projects via our content management system:
The Integrated Translation Workflow & Translation Memory System.

The server-based system allows our team of translators to process huge volumes of text contents.

Documents delivered faster
The centralized data system can manage several projects at a time, as well as several linguists working on one same project.

Quality preserved
The powerful system does not sacrifice quality for the faster delivery turnaround of a project since our team still works at normal speed but actually pools data in the system and share together Translation Memory, comprehensive dictionaries and specialized glossaries for accurate and homogeneous terminology and style throughout the document.
Customer satisfaction

Our Integrated Translation Workflow & Translation Memory System saves time while maintaining quality.
Indeed, for the same price, Huri Translations bring satisfaction to their customers by adding this technological solution to their services.

English QWERTY Polynesian Keyboard

▪ Translation
the process of changing a written document into another language

▪ Typesetting
the coherent assembling of text or graphics to build a uniform layout

▪ Localization
the adaptation of a product content and appearance to a specific geographical or socio-cultural context

▪ Proofreading
the reading of a document to find errors and correct them

▪ Contraction
the summerizing of a long text into a short and synthetized text

▪ Transcription
the creation of a written document from audio or video material

Subtitling involves the translation of spoken dialogue into written text displayed on the screen, adhering to specific rules and guidelines.